Communicating is a necessary skill in most jobs. Youth need to develop skills that allow them to express their knowledge and emotions. These sites provide opportunities to develop those skills or will help you in teaching those skills.
Communicating is a necessary skill in most jobs. Youth need to develop skills that allow them to express their knowledge and emotions. These sites provide opportunities to develop those skills or will help you in teaching those skills.
The Best Pen Pal Programs for Children - https://tinybeans.com/letter-writing-tips-and-pen-pals-for-kids/
Ed Tech Review Strategies and Tools to Build Writing Skills Among Your Students - https://www.edtechreview.in/trends-insights/insights/strategies-and-tools-to-build-writing-skills-among-your-students/
Empowering Writers 10 Tips to Teach Reluctant Students - https://blog.empoweringwriters.com/toolbox/top-10-strategies-for-reluctant-writers
National Writing Project - https://www.nwp.org
Reading Rockets Writing - https://www.readingrockets.org/teaching/reading-basics/writing
Strategies for Teaching Secondary Students to Write - https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/southwest/pdf/infographics/RELSW-Infographic-508-Secondary-Writing.pdf